G. H. Coffee Company is a Small Batch Coffee Roastery. We are Veteran owned and operated. And when we say small batch, we mean we only roast in 5lb batches.
When you place your order, we roast your coffee. We do not over roast and have coffee sitting around for weeks or months. Your coffee will be freshly roasted. It's that simple, and we've done it this way for over 10 years.
We roast coffee from all coffee producing regions of the world. We do Regular coffees, Decaf Coffee (Swiss Process only), Flavored coffees, and we do Blends. Our most popular flavored coffees are Jamaican Me Crazy, Highlander Grogg and Woodford Reserve. We have a unique and most awesome Espresso Blend comprised of 4 different beans (stands up great in milk products). Our Cold Brew beans are a blend of three different regions done only in a light roast so you get the flavor of the beans from the regions they came from.
We use the best sourced coffees. We use Organic, Fair Trade and Women Co-Op coffees when available. We recycle boxes when we can (thanks Amazon). We use high quality valve bags, which lets the coffee degas but doesn't allow oxygen in (which makes coffee go stale). And we use the highest quality flavorings. See more on our about page.
Our coffees are sold in one pound bags (not 12oz) and usually contain more like 17+oz (so get that scale out and weigh them).
Roasting Coffee is our Passion. Sharing it with you is our Joy.